The JCEP team is here to provide career assistance for Guard and Reserve Service Members and their spouses.
  We can help you with your resume and interview skills, as well as put you in touch with local businesses that are hiring.



First Name: Date of Birth:  
Last Name: Email:     
Grade/Rank: MOS: Cell #:  
Military Affiliation Home #:     
If Spouse, enter Soldier's Name: Address:     
Unit: City:     




Number of overseas deployments:   Willing to relocate?  
Job desires:  
Education:       Employed:                

Have you ever received a deferred adjudication, probation, misdemeanor or felony? 

Would you like for us to give your contact information to the Iowa Workforce for additional assistance? 

I understand that I'll be asked to work closely with the JCEP team and that it is important to stay in touch so I am aware of job opportunities.
I also understand that I should let them know once I've found employment and I will fill out the employment survey at that time.